An algebraic data type can take many forms:
- Sum type
- Product type
- Hybrid Sum/Product type
- Recursive type (not covered in this post)
Sum Types (aka Tagged Unions)
A sum type is a type that has a known and exhaustive list of constructors where a value of that type must be constructed by exactly one of the constructors. Also known as a tagged union or coproduct.
A sum type is a type definition where our type has a finite number of known constructions. Each construction may hold zero or more components of specific types (although these components may vary from construction to construction).
The simplest definition of a sum type is the Unit
type which would
look something like this in Scala:
case object Unit
It has example one constructor (Unit
) with no arguments.
Let's step back to a basic example of a sum type (which is one variety of ADTs) to illustrate the difference between a sum type and a pure product type.
// Scala here to mix it up :)
sealed trait USCoin { def value: Int }
case object Penny extends USCoin { def value = 1 }
case object Nickel extends USCoin { def value = 5 }
case object Dime extends USCoin { def value = 10 }
case object Quarter extends USCoin { def value = 25 }
case object Dollar extends USCoin { def value = 100 }
The above just tells Scala that there is this trait (in this case we
can pretend it is the same as the LHS of Haskell's data declaration,
but it isn't always this way), USCoin, that has a finite, and known
number of constructors upfront (typically how case classes in Scala
get used [well]). Note that the trait is sealed. For non-Scala people,
this just means that outside of this source file, no extensions of
this trait are allowed. i.e. the compiler can guarantee that consumers
of our libraries or toolkits cannot extend USCoin
In this particular scenario that is probably what we want (not
allowing consumers of our code to extend this). The likelihood that
the US central bank would introduce new coins or take existing coins
out of circulation before we update our library in time to cater for
it, is pretty unlikely. However, there is another good reason why we
might want this too: we can know we have exhaustively catered for all
constructions of USCoin
in our supporting logic or calculations.
You might be wondering how this can be done. Let us try to use this
code in sbt console
scala> import funalgebra.algdt._
import funalgebra.algdt._
scala> object VendingMachine {
| def accepts(coin: USCoin): Boolean = coin match {
| case Penny => false
| case Nickel => false
| case Dime => true
| case Quarter => true
| }
| }
:12: warning: match is not exhaustive!
missing combination Dollar
def accepts(coin: USCoin): Boolean = coin match {
defined module VendingMachine
What happened here is that we forgot to match on the Dollar constructor for USCoin sum type and the Scala compiler warned us about it. If you find you want this behavior for a particular data type definition, then you probably want to define it as a sum type this way.
Product Types (aka Record Types)
In the language of abstract algebra, which computer scientists in programming language theory appear to have adopted, a data type with exactly one constructor is isomorphic to what is often called a product type that takes an ordered list of typed operands. Informally these are sometimes called record types.
The archetypal product type is the tuple. For example, perhaps we want to represent an image element in an HTML page. We might initially represent it as the following tuple:
(String, Int, Int)
Here we take a string (the source URL), an integer (the width), and a second integer (the height). The problem with tuples is that this might also represent any number of issues. It is hard to know what it is referring to. Enter product types.
In Scala, we can represent an image element in HTML like the following case class:
case class ImageElement(sourceUrl: String, width: Int, height: Int)
Since pure product types only have one constructor for a type, we can
eliminate the trait or abstract class type definition that we used in
the sum type example above with USCoin
Sum-Product Hybrids
How about a social network event notification. Let's take Facebook. Whenever you sign into Facebook (or whatever social network you might use), you will likely be greeted with a visual indication of any notifications you might have since you last signed in. Things like friends liking your statuses, comments, or making comments on your posts or posts you have commented on yourself.
So a first stab at modeling this with an algebraic data type in Haskell might look like:
import Data.DateTime
-- Assumes User is defined elsewhere and imported
-- Assume Status and Comment types are already defined
data Notification = CommentNotification Status [User] DateTime
| CommentLikeNotification Comment [User] DateTime
| PostLikeNotification Status [User] DateTime
What did I actually do? Well if we look at the different notifications we see there are a variety of constructions of notification events, including:
- When one of your statuses is liked it tells you who and at what time the last action was taken
- When one of your comments is liked it tells you who and the time the last action was taken
- When a post you commented on is commented on it tells you who and the time the last action was taken
- …
Let us dissect the Haskell code a little. The identifier on the
left-hand-side (LHS), Notification
, is the type name. Then the
right-hand-side (RHS) contains an exhaustive list of possible
constructors such as CommentNotification
, PostLikeNotification
for our simple model.
Now we could have modeled Notification data type a little differently. Let us consider the following modeling of the domain:
import Data.DateTime
-- Assumes User is defined elsewhere and imported
-- We might want to add more constructors for Post sum type of a more
-- complete model of Facebook notifications, but left as a homework to
-- reader, because every algebra lesson has this ;)
data Post = Status Text DateTime | Comment Text DateTime
data Notification = Notification Post [User] DateTime
This model of the domain of Facebook notifications uses a pure product
type for the Notification
type definition and a hybrid sum-product
type for the Post
Exactly how you model this domain will depend on what properties you would like the various types to possess. In fact, there are many ways you can model this domain with various forms of algebraic data types (ADT). It all depends on your program's view of the domain.
There is no one precise view of a particular domain, it depends on your program's functionality. For example, if you are building a front-office trade posting system, you are unlikely to need to model the historical view of a security or instrument type. You just need to know the active identifier (e.g. ticker, ISIN, CUSIP, internal id, etc.) for the security being traded today to flow through correctly.
However, a knowledge management tool may need to model a financial security or instrument to have a historical view (e.g. how a corporate action impacted a financial security in the past, or the historical view of identifications or vendor symbols).
Parting thoughts
With the expressive composability of algebraic data types, you will be able to model anything in your domain and build it up from smaller pieces.
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