Susan Potter

Erlang/OTP :: concurrent, fault-tolerant language for dist systems


From Zero To Production (NixOS, Erlang)

This talk will introduce the audience to the Nix packaging, NixOS, and related ecosystem tools for Erlang/Elixir developers. By reviewing common development, testing, and deployment problems we will look at what Nix has to offer to aid Erlang/Elixir developers in these areas. From seamless developer environment bootstrapping to consistent CI environments and beyond.


Erlang OTP Glossary of Terms

I am hoping this will serve as a reference for coworkers and others new to Erlang and OTP to be able to figure out the terminology easier than I had to. I learned the hard way, so you don't have to!:) Erlang/OTP - The set of libraries and conventions that are used as part of the core Erlang distribution by Ericsson to build fault-tolerant, distributed systems more effectively. OTP Release - A fully deployable distribution to run on an "Erlang node" (see below).


Dynamo: Not just for datastores

Find out how to build decentralized, fault-tolerant, stateful application services using core concepts and techniques from the Amazon Dynamo paper using riak_core as a toolkit.


Erlang Meck API notes

Here is a snippet showing how to use the Meck API which is a mocking library in Erlang. We will show how to create a fully mocked version of an existing module, unloading mocks, removing functions from a mocked module, and getting a list of all function calls to a module.


Custom Security Handler Nitrogen

An example of a custom security handler implementation for Nitrogen 2.x. customer_security_handler.erl %%% HEADER %%% @author Susan Potter <> %%% @date 2011-02-16T17:08 %%% @license BSD %%% @doc Example of a security_handler behavior implementation module. %%% It assumes a callback module is passed in that exports: %%% login_path/0 and authorized/2. %%% @end -module(custom_security_handler). -include_lib("nitrogen_core/include/wf.hrl"). …


Erlang's "let it fail" philosophy

Erlang, a powerful programming language designed for fault tolerance and high availability, challenges traditional error handling with its groundbreaking concept of "let it fail." Instead of obsessively anticipating and accounting for every possible error scenario, Erlang embraces failures as a natural part of the system and provides tools to gracefully handle them. This philosophy revolutionizes software design by promoting a resilient approach that saves time and …


Scala versus Erlang for Managers

The demise of Moore's Law has ushered in a new era of multi-core processors, posing challenges for software professionals. In this article, we explore the debate between Scala and Erlang as languages at the forefront of addressing the multi-core challenge, considering factors such as legacy systems, scalability, and the availability of skilled practitioners.